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Debt Restructuring

Corner Stone principals bring long-standing relationships and deep capital markets experience to come alongside management and quarterback negotiations with lenders, trade creditors and other stakeholders.  We work tirelessly whether restructuring existing debt or securing new debt with the goal of a capital structure that the client’s operations can service with confidence.


Our process starts with a review of existing financings focusing on cost of capital, covenant compliance, debt service requirements, and maturity profiles. We review the client’s near- and long-term forecasts to identify potential shortfalls and risks all in the context of the current state of play with existing lenders.  As appropriate we engage with lenders to ascertain points of concern and potential remedial actions.  We have found that forbearance, over-advances, maturity extensions, and restructuring (i.e., renegotiating) existing debt with current lenders may be the path of least resistance but understand that take-out debt may be required … even preferred.  Whatever the scenario, we weigh various alternatives to ferret out the most efficient approach and then engage proactively with the necessary urgency to complete the restructure or refinancing as efficiently as possible.  


If a debt restructuring cannot be achieved and the client finds itself seeking protection in bankruptcy, we are adept at dealing with existing lenders while in bankruptcy as well as sourcing and structuring debtor-in-possession financing. 


Throughout the process, Mr. Moorhead brings his 40+ years of capital markets and financial experience and broad lender relations to creatively structuring and deliver much needed financings for companies in any financial condition and industry.

 2021 by Corner Point Advisors, LLC. Proudly created with

Turning the corner from distress to success is the point of Corner Point's practice.

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